We recently found this moving piece of writing by author Ann Voskamp. It speaks beautifully to seniors who might be struggling right now.


Dear Older Neighbour,

I just wanted you to know that every evening, when it grows dark on these empty streets, I see the light flicker on over your dining table — and I see you there through the window…
And in the middle of a global pandemic, I needed a way to tell you:

Don’t be afraid of what is outside your doors.

Because we are all going to war against this virus for you, because you’ve waged wars for our freedom, for the comfort of our lives.

You’ve battled through recessions for us.
You’ve rationed for us.
You’ve gone with less for us.

You’re the generation who taught us what sacrifice & grit & kindness really was.

And exactly because you taught us well — we won’t fail you now.

We will fight this virus exactly the way you’ve taught us to fight for what is right.

You’re the ones who taught us to do whatever it takes to rise for the vulnerable —- & now we will band together to do hard things for the kind of life & values that matter.

You’re the generation who was birthed after the last World War — & we promise we will not let your generation die without us going to war with the world against this virus.

Your very lives are at stake — & you can count on us to care more for your lives you than for our stocks.

The cure isn’t worse than the problem — because sacrifice is never worse than the privilege of protecting lives.

And we know:

If we sacrifice anyone’s health for the health of the economy, it’s our own collective soul that needs healing.

We’re all in this boat together & together we will find ways to hold on to all of us through this storm — because there is no pushing anyone out of this boat. Or parts of all of us go down.

When I saw you through the window tonight — your crowned white glory there in all the light — I just couldn’t wait another day to somehow thank you, somehow say:

Don’t be afraid, Older Neighbour.

You’ve taught us well:

We will protect you with our very lives — as you’ve given your very lives for ours.


Thank you for your beautiful words, Ann. 

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