Keen to get out and about?

Do you need support with transport to appointments?

Or do you simply want to enjoy our low-cost bus trips?

Our buses and cars run every weekday. ​They will stop at your door and take you out for:

  • Shopping;
  • Bus trips;
  • Flexible, personal transport with a car and driver; or
  • A social outing, including the movies.

Flexible Transport by car is $10 each way. Priority is given to medical appointments, but other trips are subject to availability of a driver and a car.

There are two steps you need to take before using our services:

1. Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422

2. Request the referral code for the service(s) you need.

More info here

Give Irene a call to find out more.

The cost of our bus trips is a subsidised fee of $15-$20 per person, per trip (depending on the distance).

We also provide social access to community groups in the area.

If you’re a new client, our staff will visit you at home to assess your needs and match you to the service that best suits you.

Our bus is also available for local community groups.

Shopping Bus

If you’re over 65 and like to do your own shopping – but transport is a hassle – our door-to-door shopping bus might be right for you.

The bus can pick you up at home at a set time and take you to the shopping centre (either Eastlakes or Eastgardens).

If you wish, we can also provide a volunteer to assist you with your shopping.

You will have three hours at the shopping centre before the bus takes you and your shopping back home.

The shopping bus runs every fortnight and costs you only $6.

For more information contact our Community Transport Manager. Call Irene weekdays on 0413 623 522.

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